Final Stable Syllable Decks 1 & 2 (24 cards)


Essential Final Stable Syllable Deck – Parts 1 & 2

SKU: P115 Category:


  • Offers a unique approach to learning and reviewing final stable syllables by pairing vivid illustrations with keywords and definitions (includes consonant-le syllables in Part 1 and -tion, -sion, -cious, etc. in Part 2)
  • Ignites students’ imagination, making the cards a favorite learning tool

Deck 1:

The Essential Final Stable Syllable Deck was designed by an individual with dyslexia and an experienced dyslexia therapist who have found that a card with a quality image andclear text significantly strengthens thelearning process.

Note: Consonant – l-e Syllable is the name used by several programs rather than Final Stable Syllable. If this is the case for the program you use, simply substitute the name Consonant – l-e Syllable where Final Stable Syllable is found on the cards.

Once each final stable syllable hasbeen introduced, The Essential Final Stable Syllable Deck offers a quick review.

Deck 2:

The Essential Final Stable Syllable Deck was designed by an individual with dyslexia and an experienced dyslexia therapist who have found that a card with a quality image and clear text significantly strengthens the learning process.

Note: For several of these final stable syllables, the pronunciation shown on
the card is the pronunciation used in reading and speaking. For example, [tial as in initial, is pronounced /shŭl/ when we speak or read the word. At the bottom

of the card, a “spelling pronunciation” is shown that gives students a clue as to the syllable’s spelling. For example, you may choose to have them use the “spelling pronunciation”/shăl/ to help them remember to spell it t-i-a-l.

Once each final stable syllable has been introduced, The Essential Final Stable Syllable Deck offers a quick review.


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